This is the old website of Lekhnath Municipality. The website is not updated anymore. Lekhnath Municipality and Pokhara Sub Metropolitian City has been merged into Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan City. For latest content, please visit

लेखनाथ: सात तालको बगैचा शहर

About Us

Development Region: Western

Zone: Gandaki
District: Kaski

District/ Region Headquaters: Pokhara

Constituency: Kaski-i

Location: Lekhnath Municipality is located in south eastern portion of pokhara valley, at a distance of 10 Km east of Regional/District Headquaters pokhara and 181 Km west from capital city Kathmandu.

Latitude: 28 degree .5'N
Longitude: 84 degree . 02' E -84 degree.08' E
Altitude: Minimum-407 (kotre), Maximum- 1217 (kotwri)
Total Geographical Area: 126.4 sq. Km